Food trivia question #1


Food trivia questions
Food trivia questions


Q: What is the only food that is believed to be the only one that does not spoil?

A: Tune in tomorrow!
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  1. Valerie Roy says:

    It’s HONEY, daahling!

    1. Kim Hanna says:

      You are soooooooo smart!

    1. Kim Hanna says:

      Good guess, I’ll let you know if you’re right tomorrow!

  2. It’s got to be dried fruit. Might shrivel away to a speck but rot? Not sure.

    1. Kim Hanna says:

      Good guess, I’ll let you know if you are right tomorrow!

  3. I think it’s beef jerky as long as you keep it in the package. Will probably stink as bad in 20 years the same as if you ate it today though!

    1. Kim Hanna says:

      Good guess, I’ll let you know if you are right tomorrow!

  4. Salt? Is that a food?

    1. Kim Hanna says:

      Good guess, I’ll let you know if you are right tomorrow!