Super Fun Rainy Day Camp Games For The Entire Family!
Don’t let rain steal your camping fun! There are so many fun camping games, it is hard to pick one favorite. When you are stuck with a soggy camp trip, rainy day camp games can be the perfect solution!

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Know What Weather To Expect
You can plan for rainy weather if you monitor weather forecasts as well as current conditions. Some of the best camping apps will help you do that and they are totally FREE!
Super Fun Rainy Day Camp Games For The Entire Family
Where you are taking shelter from the rain matters.
- Are you camping in a campground or RV park that has a rec center room?
- Will you be watching the rain drops from inside an RV?
- How about huddled up inside a tent?
Or, maybe you are not going to try to avoid the rain, instead you will embrace it!
Here are some of the most fun things to do camping in the rain!
Charades Games
The Charades Camping Game
Each player creates several “Charades Camping Slips” by writing one camping-themed activity (example: “Trying to roast a marshmallow but accidentally catching it on fire”) on each slip of paper and placing it in some sort of bucket (camp Dutch oven, camp coffee cup or whatever camping utensil you have handy.) LOL
- Now, mix up the slips.
- Each player picks out a camping charades slip then acts out clues (without speaking, of course) until someone guesses correctly.
- The winner is the person who guesses the most correct answers.
This is also great when you’re looking for campfire games to play with a small group of kids and adults.
But, it’s also a nice icebreaker when you need campfire games for large groups of people who don’t know each other very well.
Another nice thing about this game is that you don’t have to pack a bunch of stuff for it … keeping your packing simple with just the camping basics!
The best indoor camping games are for kids, adults and the entire family to play together!
Free Printable Charades Camping Game
Camping For Foodies Camping Game: How To Play The Charades Camping Game
- Pen
- Slips of paper
- Each player creates several “Charades Camping Slips” by writing one camping-themed activity on each slip of paper and placing it in some sort of bucket (camp Dutch oven, camp coffee cup or whatever camping utensil you have handy.) LOL
- Now, mix up the slips.
- Each player picks out a camping charades slip then acts out clues (without speaking, of course) until someone guesses correctly.
- The winner is the person who guesses the most correct answers.
Here are some example camping activities to write on your Charades Camping Game slips:
- Trying to roast a marshmallow but accidentally catching it on fire.
- Trying to light a campfire in the rain.
- Putting up a tent in the dark.
- Hooking up a camper to a tow vehicle.
- Seeing a wild elk at your campsite.
- Hanging your feet in a stream on a hike.
- Fishing but catching nothing.
- Getting lost on an overgrown hiking trail.
- Finding the Big Dipper in the sky.
Board Games
There are tons of entertaining board games but none seems as appropriate as The Camp Board Game!
- It is totally fun and educational.
- It features 199 game cards, 400 questions and 99 fun facts which are designed to test players’ knowledge about outdoor topics.
- It includes 1 game board, 1 decoder, 8 game characters, 1 die, 16 level cards and 1 compass card.
- This is a camp game kids and adults will love!
The Camp Board Game is definitely one of the best board games for camping, but there are others you will find yourself loving just as much!
Jigsaw Puzzles
You don’t have to be camping in a National Park to enjoy the America’s National Parks Puzzle!
- It is a MasterPieces Collector Suitcase which is a 1000-piece National Parks Puzzle.
- This vibrant puzzle has a layered postcard type of feel spotlighting iconic locations in America’s National Parks.
- The puzzle is from the Travel Suitcases collection and features artwork by Kate Ward Thacker.
- When completed, this 1000 piece puzzle measures approximately 19 x 27 inches.
MasterPieces / Collector Suitcase 1000-piece Puzzle, National Parks
Dice Games
One of the most classic games you can play with dice is Yahtzee. It is a fun game for the entire family and the Yahtzee to Go Travel Game is perfect for taking the game on your camping trips.
Hasbro Yahtzee to Go Travel Game
Card Games
A good card game is always fun at the campsite. Having a resource like Hoyle’s Modern Encyclopedia of Card Games: Rules of All the Basic Games and Popular Variations is helpful in case you want to try a new game or can’t quite remember the rules of one of your family favorites.
Hoyle’s Modern Encyclopedia of Card Games: Rules of All the Basic Games and Popular Variations
Playing with Wilderness Survival Playing Cards is great because when the card game tournament is over, you can use the wilderness survival tips on these playing cards as a game too! It has 52 wilderness survival tips including:
- How to survive a forest fire.
- How to survive an avalanche.
- How to fend off a black bear attack.
- How to avoid snake bites.
- And more!
Sea To Sky Wilderness Survival Playing Cards
Pencil And Paper Games
When you can have hours of fun with a pencil and paper, you are ready for multiple days of wet weather at the campsite!
You can play games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Hangman, Dots and Boxes etc.
You can also get a book like Trail Mix: 6 Pencil & Paper Games for Down Time on the Trail which has 104 pages filled with 6 different games as well as a trip log you can copy and leave with someone before you head out to the wilderness.
Word Games
20 questions is always a fun game as long as the ground rules are set regarding the level of kid-friendliness!
We created our own version called “Twenty Camping Questions Road Trip Game” where one person (the “thinker”) thinks of a person, place or thing that is camping-related, like Smokey Bear, for example.
- The other players get to ask a total of 20 yes/no questions.
- The first person to guess correctly is the winner.
- If nobody guesses correctly by the 20th questions, the “thinker” wins and maintains the “thinker” position for the next round.
- The player who wins the most rounds is the winner of the game.
You can find this game and more camping road trip games that will keep the family smiling for miles down the highway!
Cousin Eddie’s RV Trivia Game
We are huge fans of Cousin Eddie and his RV from the Christmas Vacation movie. Because we love so many lines from the movie, we created a fun trivia game to test your knowledge about the Cousin Eddie RV and some of the best quotes from the Christmas comedy classic movie!
Outdoor Games
If you are experiencing a warm rain, why not play a fun game of water balloon toss?
At this point, everybody will be a water-logged winner!
Make Food Preparation Part Of Rainy Day Activities
No matter if it is pouring rain or completely sunny … you need to eat! Make food preparation a family activity everyone enjoys on all camp trips.
If you’re looking for awesome ideas for yummy camping food, you’re in the right place! Here’s our entire camping recipes list.
What do you think?
Leave me a comment, question or suggestion below. I’d love to hear from you so let’s chat.