Camping Tips For Women

My camping tips for women were created as easy remedies to win over those ladies who hate camping. Here are the top 10 complaints from women along with simple solutions that’ll make her love experiencing the great outdoors.

Top Reasons Women Hate Camping And How To Overcome Them - Camping For Foodies .com

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10 Camping Tips For Women

Give her a great camping experience

Some women love camping while others hate it. How do you enjoy a family adventure out in the woods if the entire family doesn’t agree? First you need to understand the reasons she hates camping and then offer solutions to overcome them.

Women Don't Have To Hate Camping - Camping For Foodies .com

#1. Bugs Everywhere

Let’s be honest … you don’t have to be a woman who hates camping in order to despise being around bugs! There are tons of options to avoid bugs like a Mosquito Repellent Lantern, using odors, physical and spray barriers and more.

My post How To Keep Bugs Away While Camping has more solutions to keep those pesky critters away because there is no reason for women to hate camping because of insects. That goes for men and kids too!

#2. Being Cold, Especially At Night

Dealing with unpredictable weather and temperatures can be a challenge especially in off-peak camping months. Keeping hands and feet warm with Hand Warmer Packets is awesome!

It is easier to avoid being cold if you are camping in an RV but depending on the situation, that can be a bit of a contest too.

Tent camping is a whole different subject, it is almost impossible to stay warm if your tent is wet from rain or condensation.

There is no reason for women to hate camping because of cold weather conditions! My posts have specific solutions for each situation:

  • Staying Warm Camping In A Tent: In this post you’ll learn about where to pitch a tent, how to keep condensation out of it, proper gear and food that will help you stay warm.
  • Winter RV Camping Tips: This post has tips for using different power sources to stay warm, sealing an RV to keep cold air and moisture out, different types of heaters and humidifiers.
  • Winter Camping Clothes Keep You Toasty: Tent and RV campers will help themselves stay warm by wearing the right clothing. In this post I explain how the body reacts to cold temperatures, what not to wear to stay warm and the purpose of the three layers of clothing.

#3. Planning Meals, Grocery Shopping And Cooking

Some people are more organized than others. A meal/grocery planner can help you make it an easy chore to prepare for camp meals with your own recipes.

I have a huge assortment of camping recipes for all types of tastes and cooking methods. To make it even easier, my post 3-Day Camping Menu Planner And Grocery List has a total solution because I have done the planning for you. It includes a meal plan for a 3-day camp trip, printable recipes and the grocery list needed to make the meals … and it is FREE!

3-Day Camping Menu Planner Recipes And Grocery List - Camping For Foodies .com

#4. Phone Dead Without Electricity

First, we should all work toward totally unplugging every now and then, but, with that being said (and this being a no-judgement zone), I do understand the need to have access to our digital devices. Using a Solar Phone Charger is just one way to keep your phone charged and her happily connected.

My post How To Charge Your Phone Without Electricity While Camping has even more CRAZY COOL solutions for keeping phones charged while out in the wilderness.

#5. It’s Dangerous

You can get lost, trip, come in contact with wild animals and poisonous plants etc…etc…etc! If you worried about every danger in life you would never leave your house! By practicing simple safety techniques, everyone will be able to enjoy an outdoor camping adventure.

I have a ton of Camping Safety tips including the following:

  • Personal Safety While Camping: In this post I discuss how to find safe campsites and choosing the best one, using security devices and best practices to stay aware of your environment.
  • Camping Safety Tips For Families: This post has solutions for almost any type of danger she might encounter while camping. And if she has kids with her, she’ll be happy she knows how to keep them safe too!
  • Safety Tips While Camping In Bear Country: Enjoying nature is the best part of being in the great outdoors. You’ll learn how to spot signs of bears in the area, understand bear behaviors, avoid attracting bears to your campsite and what to do if you encounter a bear.
  • Camping Security: Keeping your gear protected is easy with the tips I share in this post.
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#6. Can’t Go To The Gym

Camping trips can be as low-key or high-energy as she desires. A strenuous hike can provide as much exercise as a gym workout and gives the added benefit of sunshine and fresh air!

My post 5 Reasons To Avoid The Gym – Go Hiking As Exercise Instead has solutions to keep her moving while out in the wild. Make sure she is wearing comfortable Women’s Hiking Boots to avoid blisters.

#7. Sleeping On The Ground

When we first started camping we laid blankets on our tent floor and put our sleeping bags on top of them. We quickly graduated to using an air mattress because it was so much more comfortable and we couldn’t feel every bump/rock in the ground as we tossed and turned throughout the night. The layering still started with a blanket over the tent floor, then we placed the air mattress over the blanket and finished with sleeping bags. Some of our friends use an Airbed Cot too and they swear by it. It will get her off the ground if you are sleeping in a tent.

We eventually purchased a hybrid camper so we were not sleeping on the ground at all. As our love of camping grew, so did the amount of time we wanted to spend on our trips. As most campers do, our equipment grew over the years. Now my husband and I travel with our two cats in our 5th wheel trailer and we take month-long trips to destinations across the country. We are not full-time RVers but we consider ourselves long-term campers.

#8. It’s Not Eco-Friendly

We are very conscious about being environmentally friendly on our camping and hiking trips. We even recycle on camping trips! We also use Inflatable Solar Lights and other solar gear. My post How To Go Green on Camp Trips: 8 Easy Tips for Eco-Friendly Camping and Hiking has even more solutions to keep her and the planet happy and healthy!

#9. It’s Boring

Most people we know actually APPRECIATE the slower pace of a camp weekend. Personally, I am happy to leave the stress-filled, fast-paced city behind as often as possible. In the beginning, I actually had to reprogram my mind and body to slow down and enjoy it. Without a doubt, it took a few trips to get the hang of it.

In addition to adults being bored, kids have a tendency to feel the same. Planning for connection time with family is a huge benefit when camping. These camping games have solutions for everyone!

#10. Personal Hygiene

It is a real bummer to be out in the wild and smelling like it! Inadvertently leaving your toothpaste and deodorant in the medicine cabinet at home can really stink, ha ha, get it? Having a women’s necessities travel kit dedicated for camping trips will help.

Another female-specific hygiene challenge for women is camping on your period. Pack enough supplies and consider using a reusable period cup which is inserted like a tampon and holds the blood inside the cup until it is removed and dumped into a toilet (or out in the wild if there is no toilet nearby like for backpackers camping in the backcountry.) The cups are made from a medical-grade silicone, are reusable and come in different sizes to accommodate a woman’s age, menstrual flow and childbirth history.

Another option for the lack of facilities is to use a portable urinal. I have tips to help you find the best female urination device for your camping style.

Smelling like a campfire is also a drawback for ladies who spend most of their time indoors. A change of fresh clothes is all that’s needed to not have campfire odors stuck to you. But, hair is another story. Here’s how to get campfire smell out of hair without actually washing it on a camp trip.

Don’t worry about forgetting to pack something. Just use our FREE Ultimate RV And Tent Camping Checklist and check off each item as you load it.

Expert Tip

Camping isn’t fun when it involves too much work or takes too long to travel compared to the amount of time you’re on the adventure. We have a 1:1 rule. We must stay 1 night for every hour we travel.

Example: If we’re planning a trip with only 2 overnights, our travel time can’t exceed 2 hours from home (each direction).

Example: We only pack what we’ll need for that trip, especially food, so unpacking after the trip is easy.


What essential items should I pack for camping?

How much or how little you pack is a personal preference. I don’t recommend packing everything from home needed for every creature comfort imaginable. Otherwise, the unpacking after the trip is overwhelming. Use a checklist to plan a simple camping trip. You’ll have everything you need without needing a moving van to transport your stuff.

How can I camp without a lot of planning?

You can do a little advanced planning so you are ready for a last minute camping trip by having pre-determined destinations, pre-packed gear and standing menus.

How can I avoid cooking on camping trips?

There are plenty of no cook camping meals you can plan for your trips. There are also pre-ahead and cook-ahead options. These allow you to enjoy hot meals that you either “dump and cook” or “dump and reheat” at the campsite. I like make ahead camping meals that can be prepared at home and frozen months in advance of a trip.

What do you think?

Leave me a comment, question or suggestion below. I’d love to hear from you so let’s chat.

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  1. Number one should be periods, the rest is just stuff every human goes through

    1. Kim Hanna says:

      Hi Payton! You make a really good point and I’m going to update this post. Thanks for stopping by! Happy camping, Kim