Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks

Making awesome camping food is part of the outdoor experience! Whether you are cooking over campfires, using Dutch ovens, camp stoves, foil packets or grills …  we have camp cooking tips and tricks plus recipes to make your camp cooking delicious, easy and fun! 

Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks- Dutch Ovens - Campfires - Camp Stoves - Foil Packets - Grills - Camping For Foodies .com

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Simple Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks

Dutch Ovens

Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: To reduce or possibly eliminate the need for cleaning, you can use disposable (parchment paper or aluminum foil) Dutch oven liners. 

If you don’t know how to use Dutch oven liners … don’t worry … we have tips for you!

The foil liners come in different sizes so be sure to get the right size for your oven.

Camp Dutch Oven Coffee Cake Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Camp Dutch Oven Coffee Cake recipe here!

Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Foil Cupcake Liners hold their shape better than paper ones but they still form odd shapes as they bake things like muffins, cupcakes and individual desserts.

If you want your muffins to be uniform in shape, you need to use a Cast Iron Muffin Pan instead of cupcake liners.

Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tip For Blueberry Lemon Dutch Oven Muffins - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Blueberry Lemon Dutch Oven Muffins recipe here!

Verify the size of Dutch oven required to fit the muffin pan.

For example, a muffin pan measuring 12 ¾ inches wide will require a 14-inch Dutch oven (NOT a 12-inch Dutch oven.)

Cast Iron Muffin Pan for these easy Blueberry Lemon Dutch Oven Muffins for your camp breakfast or dessertCast Iron Muffin Pan

Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: To keep rounded items, like avocados, upright during cooking, slice off a small portion of the bottom to create a steady surface.

Then rotate the lid to evenly distribute heat during the cooking process.

Dutch Oven Eggs Baked In Avocados Camp Cooking Tip - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Dutch Oven Eggs Baked In Avocados Recipe here!

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Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: If fire restrictions prevent cooking with campfires, use your Dutch oven on a propane camp stove.

Camp Cooking Tip - If fire restrictions prevent cooking with campfires, use your Dutch oven on a propane camp stove - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Campfire White Chili Recipe here!

Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Use Foil Cupcake Liners when making elegant desserts in one Dutch oven … they stay in place as you pour the batter in each cup plus they hold their shape as individual cakes as the batter bakes.

Camp Cooking Tip Use Foil Cupcake Liners In Dutch Oven - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Chocolate Lava Dutch Oven Cakes Recipe here!

Foil Cupcake LinersFoil Cupcake Liners

Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Use a regular (not deep) camp Dutch oven when baking and rotate the lid and the oven throughout the baking time to get a nice golden brown top and bottom on your baked goods!

Get our Campfire Dutch Oven Jalapeño Cornbread Camping Recipe here!

Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Use a Dutch Oven Temperature Chart to determine the number of charcoal briquettes required for precise temperature control in your Dutch oven.

Dutch Oven Temperature Chart Number of Charcoal Briquettes Required - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Berry Cobbler Dessert Camp Recipe here!

See all of our Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tips here!

Dutch Oven Camp Cooking Tips - via Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Bacon and Cheese Quiche Dutch Oven Camp Recipe here!

Camp Stove

Camp Stove Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Use a Canning Jar Ring Band to form the perfect size and shape when frying an egg to fit the English muffin for these Camping Breakfast Sandwiches.

Spray a non-stick skillet and the band with cooking spray and you have a cool camping hack to make the perfect egg!

Camp Cooking Tip - Fry Eggs In Ring For Camping Breakfast Sandwiches - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Camping Breakfast Sandwiches recipe here!

Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks - Use Canning Jar Ring Bands To Fry The Perfect Egg To Fit English MuffinsCanning Jar Ring Band

Camp Stove Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Use Versatile Camp Cooking Utensils.

Cast iron skillets can be used conveniently on table tops with portable camp stoves.

They are also rugged enough to handle the heat of cooking directly over campfires.

Camp Cooking Tips - Use Versatile Camp Cooking Utensils - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Pastrami Reuben Sandwich Recipe here!

Camp Stove Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: When cooking during fire restrictions, use propane fuel sources with the ability to instantly turn off the flame.

How To Camp When Camping Fire Restrictions Are Activated - Camping For Foodies .com

See our post: How To Camp When Camping Fire Restrictions Are Activated here!


Grilling Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Use a rapidfire chimney starter to light your charcoal quickly, efficiently and safely without lighter fluid. 

Camp Cooking Tip - Use A Rapidfire Chimney Starter To Light Your Charcoal Quickly – Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Grilled Flatbread With Prosciutto, Charred Tomatoes, Fresh Mozzarella And Basil Recipe here!

Grilling Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Lightly oil the grill grate to keep your food from sticking.

Camp Cooking Tip - Lightly Oil The Grill Grate To Keep Your Food From Sticking - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Grilled Halibut Fillet Recipe here!

Grilling Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Char veggies by tossing in olive oil, salt and pepper … and use a grilling basket to keep them from falling through grill grates.

Camp Cooking Tips - Toss veggies in olive oil, salt and pepper. Char over flame in grilling basket to keep them from falling through grill grates - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Easy Chicken Alfredo Pizza Recipe here!

Foil Packets

Foil Packets Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Tightly fold food in foil packets to properly seal them for campfire cooking. Foil Packets Camp Cooking Tips And Tricks: Watch the video to see how to fold the perfect foil packet for Hobo Stew.

Campfire Tin Foil Cooking Fold The Perfect Foil Packet - Camping For Foodies .com

Camping Cooking Tips

Camp Cooking Tips: Use A Roux To Thicken Soups Stews And Campfire Meals Like This Gumbo.

Camp Cooking Tip Use A Roux To Thicken Soups Stews And Campfire Meals Like This Gumbo - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Campfire Dutch Oven Gumbo Recipe here!

Camping Cooking Tips: Mix and measure your dry ingredients at home so you only carry what you need to the campsite and you’ll avoid the chore of transporting unused food back home.

Camp Cooking Tips - Lasagna In A Dutch Oven Camp Recipe - Stay Clean And Organized - Measure And Mix Dry Ingredients At Home - Camping For Foodies .com

Get our Lasagna In A Dutch Oven Camp Recipe here!

Camping Cooking Tips: Keep your camp cooking work area simple and organized by preparing your camp cooking utensils before you begin cooking.

Camp Cooking Tips - Keep It Simple And Organized - Camping For Foodies .com

No time to look for recipes, create a menu and write a grocery list? No Problem! Get our 3-Day Dutch Oven Camp Menu Plan here!

3-Day Dutch Oven Camp Menu Plan By Camping For Foodies .com

Meal Planning

YouTube video

Use my camping menu planner to stay organized when planning meals for your next trip. It’s FREE and you’ll get it delivered instantly to your inbox!

Camping Menu Template Meal Planner Free Printable by CampingForFoodies features a collage of free camping printables including a camping menu planner template, a campfire stew recipe card and a healthy no cook camping salad with text over the image that reads free camping menu template, tips and recipe ideas.

If you’re looking for awesome ideas for yummy camping food, you’re in the right place! Here’s our entire camping recipes list.

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